State of
the Art Facilities
IRM offers a vast but carefully-chosen range of medical equipment and patient aids. IRM product range is a selection of state of the art in patient care products from the top manufacturers of the US, Canada and Europe.
IRM provides equipment related to physical therapy, occupational, speech and vocational therapies, to those injured in sport, industrial accidents, road injuries, beside the elderly and long-term patients.
Each IRM patient is unique, treated with care by expert in order to regain independency.
Equipment choice and fitting is where IRM bespoke care begins. IRM supports their patients in their own homes with highly-trained care assistants. IRM’s Home Health Care program provides a thoughtful synergy of expert, considerate care assistants, advanced equipment and the latest developments in health maintenance programs and services.
By this IRM is helping Qatar Hospitals reducing the number of patients seeking the Hospital for a Service they may get “at home”.